BAV Journal                                                    ISSN: 2366-6706                                       Finder Full-Text Search

Publisher: Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e.V.
Munsterdamm 90  12169 Berlin,    Germany

Editor:  Lienhard Pagel
Co-Editor:  Wolfgang Moschner

BAV Journal No. 096, October 2024


Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract: The list contains 485 timings of minina of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars.
It continues the list published in BAVJ 0079 (Paschke, 2023)

BAV Journal No. 095, September 2024

Light Curve Minima extracted from SuperWASP data for a Selection of Variable Stars    BAVJ095_Data,txt

Authors: Analize Jooste, Derck P. Smits, Anton Paschke

Abstract: Smits & Skelton (2019) determined 1339 minima for the following 21 eclipsing binary stars: BS Hya, CD Hya, CH Hya, NSV5707, NSV5792,
NSV5872, NSV6007, NSV6009, V1053 Cen, V1054 Cen,
V1121 Cen, V1133 Cen, V1139 Cen, V1140 Cen, V1144 Cen, V448 Cen, V454 Cen, V461 Hya,
V472 Cen, V600 Cen and V601 Cen.
Analize Jooste determined 807 minima for the following four contact binary stars: BL Eri, V1112 Tau, V1119 Her and V1799 Ori.

BAV Journal No. 094, May 2024


Author: Analize Jooste, Anton Paschke

Abstract: Analize Jooste has determined 7173 minima timings for the following 35 stars covered in this issue of the journal:
EL Aqr, AH Aur, VW Boo, CK Boo, TW Cet, DY Cet, EE Cet, RW Com, CC Com, RW Dor, UX Eri, YY Eri, UZ Leo, XY Leo, XZ Leo, AM Leo, AP Leo, VZ Lib, V0868
Mon, V2612 Oph, ER Ori, MW Pav, BB Peg, V0407 Peg, AD Phe, AQ PSc, DZ Psc, Ou Ser, Y Sex, VY Sex, XX Sex, EQ Tau, V1128 Tau, AG Vir and NN Vir.

BAV Journal No. 093, April 2024

BAV results of observations 2023 - Visual maxima and minima of variabel stars

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 100th compilation of BAV results, visual observations of variable stars, obtained mostly in the year 2023 are presented,
giving 121 maxima and 70 minima of eclipsing binaries, pulsating and
eruptive stars.

BAV Journal No. 092, April 2024

ZTFJ070412.91-112403.2: A KH 15D like object with additional variability?

Authors: Klaus Bernhard, Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Udo Reffke

Abstract:   ZTFJ070412.91-112403.2 exhibits characteristics and variability reminiscent of a KH 15D binary system accompanied by a circumbinary disk.
The corresponding ephemeris for this system is Min I = 2458238.8(5) + E* 34.57(2). However, there appears to be additional variability beyond what is typical
for a KH 15D object, potentially attributable to surrounding dust clouds.

BAV Journal No. 091, February 2024

BAV Results of Observations 2023 - Photoelectric Minima/Maxima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries, Pulsating Stars and Exoplanets

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract:  In this 99th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations, obtained mostly in the year 2023 are presented giving 1483 minima and 1043 maxima.

BAV Journal No. 090, February 2024

The period of Fr151 Cyg = GSC 03949-01097

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   The variability of Fr151 Cyg  was discovered by Peter Frank in 2011, who classified it as an eclipsing binary.
The authors published the discovery in 2019 in BAVJ No. 27. The authors present phased light curves from ASAS-SN and their own data,
a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C-diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 089, January 2024

The elements of NSVS 3936908

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   The variability of NSVS 3936908 was discovered by Woźniak et al. in 2004 [1], who classified it as an eclipsing binary. The authors present
a phased light curve from their own data, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 088, January 2024

The period of V1457 Cyg

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   The variability of V1457 Cyg  was discovered by G. Romano in 1972, who classified it as an eclipsing binary.
The authors present phased light curves from ASAS-SN, from ZTF project and their own data, a list of primary and secondary minima,
O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 087, January 2024

ZTFJ201538.86+362025.6: A candidate binary with strong reflection effect

Authors: Klaus Bernhard, Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Udo Reffke

Abstract: ZTFJ201538.86+362025.6 is a probable newly identified short-period eclipsing binary system exhibiting a pronounced reflection effect.
The associated ephemeris for this system is Min I = 2458280.9035(5) + E* 0.1714952(30).

BAV Journal No. 086, December 2023

BAV-Results of observations – transits of exoplanets in 2022

Authors: Manfred Rätz

Abstract: Eighty-eight results from the observation of 71 confirmed transit planets and 34 results from the observation of 33 planet candidates are documented.
These observations were conducted by observers affiliated with the BAV in the year 2022

BAV Journal No. 085, November 2023

The elements of Fr88 Cyg = WISE J200954.4+343108

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   The variability of Fr88 Cyg = WISE J200954.4+343108 was discovered by Peter Frank in 2009, who classified it as an eclipsing binary.
The authors present phased light curves from ASAS-SN [1], a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 084, November 2023

The improved elements of MoV59 Cyg = UCAC3 284-159698

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   MoV59 Cyg = UCAC3 284-159698 was discovered by Wolfgang Moschner in 2016, who classified it as an eclipsing binary.
The first elements were published by the authors in 2018 [1] , and further observations until 2023 have now improved the elements.

BAV Journal No. 083, October 2023

The peculiar light curve of S CrB 2022-2023

Author: Matthias Kolb

Abstract:   S CrB is a Mira star and was discovered in 1860 by Karl Henke (Marienwerder, Germany). The AAVSO database shows brightness data since 1864. The revised period
of the pulsation is 360.1 days, therefore 159 maxima can be identified to a reasonable accuracy. The average maximum brightness (visual and V band) is around 7 mag.
The 2022 maximum showed a record brightness of 5.2 mag (Visual, V band: 5.4) which is approx. three sigma above the average brightness. After that, the brightness declined
to 13.2 mag, not a record but very faint compared to previous minima. The 2023 maximum is around 8.2 mag which is the second faintest maximum ever and it was an
extraordinary flat one. All this can be statistical coincidence, but it is at least an amazing curiosity, if not a hint for more fundamental changes in the state of the star’s development.

BAV Journal No. 082, October 2023

The period of Fr259 Vul = ASASSN-V J203310.45+242300.9

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   The variability of Fr259 Vul = ASASSN-V J203310.45+242300.9 was discovered by Peter Frank in 2016, who classified it as an eclipsing binary.
The authors present phased light curves from ASAS-SN [1] and ATLAS [2], a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 081, September 2023

 The period of V2991 Cyg = Fr237 Cyg

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   V2991 Cyg = Fr237 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in 2012 and classified as an eclipsing binary.
The authors present phased light curves from ASAS-SN [1] and ZTF [8], a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 080, September 2023

 The period of V2976 Cyg = Fr196 Cyg

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:   V2976 Cyg = Fr196 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in 2012 and classified as an eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve from ASAS-SN, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 079, July 2023


Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract:  The list contains 562 timings of minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in BAVJ 0063 (Paschke 2022).

BAV Journal No. 078, February 2023

Improved period of MoFr28 And = V803 And

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  MoFr28 And = V803 And was independently discovered in 2013 by Peter Frank and Martin Vrastek.
The authors published their discovery in BAV Rundbrief 2015 Nr. 2 [1] in 2015 with a first period and a phased light curve.
The variable has been regularly observed by Wolfgang Moschner until this year. The authors present a phased light curve from ASAS-SN,
a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 077, January 2023

BAV results of observations 2022: Visual maxima and minima of pulsating and eruptive stars
Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 98th compilation of BAV results, visual observations of variable stars, obtained mostly in
the year 2022 are presented, giving 158 maxima and 103 minima of pulsating and eruptive stars.

BAV Journal No. 076, January 2023

BAV Results of observations 2022 - Photoelectric Minima/Maxima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima/Minima of Pulsating Stars
Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 97th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations, obtained mostly in the year 2022 are presented giving 1654 minima and 1405 maxima.

BAV Journal No. 075, January 2023

The period of T-Cyg1-04350 = ASASSN-V J201147.10+515418.7 

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Klaus Bernhard

T-Cyg1-04350 was discovered by the TrES project [1] and classified as a eclipsing binary in 2008. The authors present a phased light curve from ASAS-SN,
a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 074, January 2023

O-C Curves of 99 Cepheids
Author: Ralf Meyer

Abstract: This paper presents O-C-diagrams on 95 cepheid-type variable stars and on 4 W-Virginis-(CWA)- stars.

BAV Journal No. 073, January 2023

Maximum Times of 99 Cepheids
Numerical data and sources: Chepeids_All_Max_Times_Sources.txt
Author: Ralf Meyer

Abstract: In this paper, ca. 7000 times of maximum of 99 Cepheids are presented.

BAV Journal No. 072, January 2023

Period Variations of 99 Cepheid Variables
Author: Ralf Meyer

Abstarct: I evaluate times of maximum light of 99 cepheid variables from the times of discovery until about 2006 and give information on period changes. Annotated O-C diagrams are shown in the article BAVJ0074 “O-C Curves of 99 Cepheids” and can be used as a short summary of my findings on every single object.
The approximately 7000 maximum times the diagrams are based on are listed in the article BAVJ0073 “Maximum Times of 99 Cepheids” and will be part of the LcDB of the BAV.

BAV Journal No. 071, December 2022

Change of period and improved elements of the eclipsing binary Fr234 Vul = UCAC3 230-248078

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr234 Vul = UCAC3 230-248078 was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2009 and classified as EW eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The star is listed as variable in the ATLAS data bases.

BAV Journal No. 070, December 2022

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary Fr178 Aur = ASASSN-V J060836.30+515728.7

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr178 Aur = ASASSN-V J060836.30+515728.7 was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2011 and classified as EA eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star. The variable is known at ASAS-SN and ATLAS.

BAV Journal No. 069, November 2022

BAV-Results of observations – transits of exoplanets in 2021

Author: Manfred Raetz

Abstract:  70 results of the observation of 57 transit planets are listed, which were obtained by observers of the BAV in 2021

BAV Journal No. 068, November 2022

The period of the eclipsing binary Fr190 = UCAC3 242-230799 Cyg

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr190 = UCAC3 242-230799 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2015 and classified as an EA eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The object is also listed in the Atlas variable catalog, but with a period that does not match our observations.

BAV Journal No. 067, October 2022

The elements of Fr133 Vul = USNO-A2.0 1125-16097188

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr133 Vul was discovered by Peter Frank and classified as RR-Lyrae-star in 2009. The authors present a phased light curve from the ASAS-SN project,
a list of own maxima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.

BAV Journal No. 066, August 2022

V585 Vul (=Fr35 Vul ) with period jump

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr35 Vul was discovered by Peter Frank and classified as short period eclipsing binary in 2008. The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
In 2017, a period jump occurred that can be clearly seen in the O-C diagram. The period has lengthened by approx. 0.49 seconds per orbit due to the period jump.

BAV Journal No. 065, June 2022

BH UMa - RRc type star with strong Blazhko effect

Authors: Berthold, Thomas, Agerer, Franz

Abstract: Current observations confirm BH UMa to be of RRc type with a highly variable lightcurve driven by a strong and short-periodic Blazhko effect.

BAV Journal No. 064, May 2022

The elements of Fr77 Aur = UCAC3 254-059161

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract:  Fr77 Aur was discovered by Peter Frank and classified as short period eclipsing binary in 2009. The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima,
O-C diagrams and an im-proved period solution of the star. The variability of Fr77 Aur was discovered independently by Atlas as well as Chen et al, 2020.
The latter evaluated the data from the ZTF. Their period is also accessible via the VSX.

BAV Journal No. 063, May 2022


Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract: The list contains 299 timings of minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in BAVJ 0055 (Paschke 2021).

BAV Journal No. 062, April 2022

22 Years of Observations of V0505 Ser

Authors: Klaus Bernhard, Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner

Abstract: V0505 Ser is a short-period eclipsing variable RS CVn system discovered in 2005.
We report here new observations from 2020 and 2021 that extend the period of observations to 21 years and further support the previously suspected spot cycle
duration of about 5.5 years. Furthermore, we present the results of a detailed investigation of the O-C values of the entire observing span.

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 97th compilation of BAV results of visual observations of variable stars obtained mostly in the year 2021 are presented,
giving 162 maxima and 84 minima of pulsating and eruptive stars.

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 96th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the year 2021 are presented giving 3324 minima and 1611 maxima.

BAV Journal No. 059, December 2021

The unusual period behavior of MoFr22 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: MoFr22 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank and classified as EW type eclipsing binary in 2009. The discovery was published with first elements in BAV Journal 11 in 2016.
Supplementary observations up to the year 2021 show an unusual period behavior in the O-C diagram.

BAV Journal No. 058, December 2021

The period of Fr233 Vul
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: Fr233 Vul was discovered by Peter Frank and classified as EW type eclipsing binary in 2009. Our observations between 2009 and 2021 show an inconstant period.

BAV Journal No. 057, December 2021

New elements of MoV60 Cyg (Change of period)
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: MoV60 Cyg was discovered by Wolfgang Moschner and classified as EW type eclipsing binary in 2016. The discovery was published with first elements in BAVJ 21 in 2018.
Supplementary observations up to the year 2021 show a period change in the O-C diagram.

BAV Journal No. 056, September 2021
BAV-Results of observations – transits of exoplanets in 2020
Author: Raetz, Manfred

Abstract: 91 results of the observation of 68 transit planets are listed, which were obtained by observers of the BAV in 2020.

BAV Journal No. 055, July 2021

Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract: The list contains 236 timings of minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars.
It continues the list published in BAVJ 0040 (Paschke 2020).

BAV Journal No. 054, July 2021

51 new γ Doradus stars from the ZTF survey
Author: Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: 51 new γ Doradus variables are presented, which were found in the Zwicky Transient Facility Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars.
This study confirms that high-amplitude multiperiodic
γ Doradus variables with peak-to-peak amplitudes of 0.1 mag (V) and more are not rare objects.

BAV Journal No. 053, April 2021

BAV-results of observations:Visual maxima and minima of pulsating and eruptive stars   BAVM 253

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 95th compilation of BAV results of visual observations of variable stars obtained mostlyin the year 2020 are presented, giving 212 maxima and 122 minima of pulsating and eruptive stars.

BAV Journal No. 052, April 2021

BAV-Results of observations: Photoelectric Minima/Maxima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima/Minima of Pulsating Stars    BAVM 252

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 94th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the year2020 are presented giving 2430 minima and 1590 maxima.

BAV Journal No. 051, April 2021

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary ASASSN-V J205214.61+341019.6 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard 

Abstract: ASASSN-V J205214.61+341019.6 Cyg was discovered by the ASAS-SN-Project and classified as EB eclipsing binary. The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star. The object is also listed in the ZTF and Atlas variable catalogs, but with a period that does not match our observations exactly.

BAV Journal No. 050, April 2021

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary WISE J205119.0+343149 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: WISE J205119.0+343149 Cyg was discovered by WISE-Project [1] and classified as EW eclipsing binary. The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star. The object is also listed in the ASAS-SN and Atlas variable catalogs, but with a period that does not match our observations exactly.

BAV Journal No. 049, February 2021 

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary NSV 25369 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: NSV 25396 is mentioned for the first time in the NSV Catalog [1] without a reference to type and period. The amplitude is given there as 0.9 mag (14.2-15.1 mag).
The object is listed in the ASAS-SN (Typ RRab) and Atlas (Type EA) variable catalogs, but with a period that does not exactly match our observations.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.


BAV Journal No. 048, January 2021

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary MoV92 = UCAC3 193-019323
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

MoV92 Ori = UCAC3 193-019323 Ori was discovered by Wolfgang Moschner in the year 2016 and classified as EW eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The variable is known at ASAS-SN and ATLAS.


BAV Journal No. 047, December 2020

Improved elements of the new eclipsing binary Fr316 Cyg = UCAC3 244-166481
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: Fr316 Cyg = UCAC3 244-166481 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2011 and classified as EW eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The variable is known at ASAS-SN and ATLAS.

BAV Journal No. 046, December 2020

The period of the eclipsing binary Fr218 = UCAC3 238-156039 Lyr
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: Fr218 = UCAC3 238-156039 Lyr was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2011 and classified as EA eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The variable is not listed in the ASAS-SN catalogue and VSX database.
The period solution from the ATLAS catalogue is wrong.

BAV Journal No. 045, November 2020

The period of the eclipsing binary Fr257 = UCAC3 250-234427 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: Fr257 Cyg = UCAC3 250-234427 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2013 and classified as EA eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and an improved period solution of the star.
The variable is known at ASAS-SN and ATLAS.

BAV Journal Short-Notice No. 044, October 2020
Improved elements of Fr327 Cyg = UCAC3 249-201293
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: Fr327 Cyg = UCAC3 249-201293 was discovered by Peter Frank in the year 2018 and classified as EW eclipsing binary.
The authors present a phased light curve, a list of primary and secondary minima, O-C diagrams and improved elements of the star.

BAV Journal No. 043, October 2020
The period of the eclipsing binary Fr258 = GSC 02695-03684 Cyg
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

The authors present a phased light curve and a period solution of GSC 02695-03684 Cyg. GSC 02695-03684 Cyg was discovered by Peter Frank in 2016.
The variable is not listed in the ASAS-SN catalogue and the period solution from the ATLAS catalogue is wrong.

BAV Journal No. 042, September 2020

BAV-Results of observations – transits of exoplanets in 2019
Author: Manfrd Rätz

Abstracts: 49 results of the observation of 39 transit planets are listed, which were obtained by observers of the BAV in 2019.

BAV Journal No. 041, September 2020

The period of the eclipsing binary GSC 02134-00688 Lyr
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: The authors present a period solution and a phased light curve of GSC 02134-00688 Lyr. GSC 02134-00688 Lyr was discovered by Peter Frank in 2010.
The variable is not listed in the ASAS-SN catalogue and the period solution from the ATLAS catalogue is wrong. No Min II is discernible in our light curves.

BAV Journal No. 040, August 2020

Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract:The list contains 356 timings of minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in BAVJ 0030 (Paschke 2019).

BAV Journal No. 039, July 2020

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary ASASSN-V J190602.85+284752.5 Lyr
Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: The authors present a phased light curve with the Min II and an improved period of  ASASSN-V J190602.85+284752.5 Lyr.
The published periods from ASAS-SN and ATLAS could be significantly improved.

BAV Journal No. 038, July 2020

Improved elements of the eclipsing binary ASASSN-V J190646.62+293110.4 Lyr

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: The authors present a phased light curve and an improved period of  ASASSN-V J190646.62+293110.4 Lyr. Because a weak Min II was discovered, the period
listed in the ASAS-SN catalogue had to be halved. In addition, the ATLAS period could be significantly improved.

BAV Journal No. 037, May 2020

Observations of RR Lyrae star IL Gem

Authors: Gisela Maintz, Wolfgang Moschner

Abstract: IL Gem is an RR Lyrae star of type RRab. It was discovered in 1963 by Hoffmeister but has been neglected for about 50 years. New observations were done by members of BAV at private observatories. New elements were calculated: 2458521.3446 + 0.4994505 *E

BAV Journal No. 036,  May 2020
New variables in the field of the RR Lyr star WW CrA
Authors: Mike Rosseel, Franz-Josef Hambsch

: 29 new variables have been found in the field of the RR Lyr star WW CrA which has been observed from 2013 to 2017. The new variables are the following: RMH-HMB-18 (UCAC4232-148844), RMH-HMB-19 (UCAC4 230-161913), RMH-HMB-20 (UCAC4 231-153888), RMH-HMB-21 (UCAC4 231-154077), RMH-HMB-22 (UCAC4 232-147029), RMH-HMB-23 (UCAC4 233-155707), RMH-HMB-24 (UCAC4 233-155936), RMH-HMB-25 (UCAC4 229-161252), RMH-HMB-26 (UCAC4 232-147348), RMH-HMB-27 (UCAC4 231-154898), RMH-HMB-28 (UCAC4 230-160837), RMH-HMB-29 (UCAC4 230-160877), RMH-HMB-30 (UCAC4 230-160978), RMH-HMB-31 (UCAC4 231-155216), RMH-HMB-32 (UCAC4 232-148032), RMH-HMB-33 (UCAC4 230-161242), RMH-HMB-34 (UCAC4 230-161258), RMH-HMB-35 (UCAC4 230-161340), RMH-HMB-36 (UCAC4 232-148444), RMH-HMB-37 (UCAC4 233-157277), RMH-HMB-38 (UCAC4 233-157415), RMH-HMB-39 (UCAC4 230-162017), RMH-HMB-40 (UCAC4 230-160089), RMH-HMB-41 (UCAC4 233-156541), RMH-HMB-42 (UCAC4 231-155679), RMH-HMB-43 (UCAC4 232-149041), RMH-HMB-44 (UCAC4 231-156279), RMH-HMB-45 (UCAC4 232-149297), RMH-HMB-46 (UCAC4 232-149330).

BAV Journal No. 035, May 2020

The period of GT Gem

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank,  Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: The authors present a phased light curve and an improved period of GT Gem.

BAV Journal No. 034, April 2020

The new eclipsing binary UCAC3 221-061173, a system with eccentric orbit

Authors: Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: One new variable star (UCAC3 221-061173) is presented, which was found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables. ASAS-SN has independently discovered the variability of this object, but incorrectly assigned it to a different star.

BAV Journal No. 033, Feb. 2020

BAV-Results of observations - Photoelectric Minima/Maxima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima/Minima of Pulsating Stars

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 93th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the year 2019 are presented giving 2943 minima and 2042 maxima.
BAVM 251

BAV Journal No. 032, Jan. 2020

 First Elements for five New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part IX

 Authors: Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Klaus Bernhard

Abstarct: 5 new variable stars (UCAC3 238-155729, 2MASS J19042957+2926268, GSC 02134-00688, UCAC3 283-169273, 2MASS J19070964+2941427) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Journal No. 031, Dec. 2019

BAV-Results of observations - Photoelectric Minima/Maxima
of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima/Minima of Pulsating Stars

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 91th compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the year 2018 are presented giving 2375 minima and 581 maxima.
BAVM 249

BAV Journal No. 030, Dec. 2019


Author: Anton Paschke

Abstract: The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in OEJV 0191 (Paschke 2018).

BAV Journal No. 029, Oct. 2019

20 Years of Observations of V505 Serpentii

Authors: Klaus Bernhard, Peter Frank, Stefan Hümmerich, Wolfgang Moschner

Abstract: V505 Ser is a short-period eclipsing RS CVn system discovered by Bernhard (2005).We here report on new unfiltered and BVRI observations taken in 2018 and 2019 that enlarge the time span of observations to 20 years and provide further evidence for the previously suspected spot cycle duration of about 5.5 years. The next maximum of activity will probably occur in 2020.

BAV Journal No. 028, July 2019 

BAV-resultes of observations visual maxima and minima of pulsating and eruptive stars

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 92th compilation of BAV results of visual observations of variable stars obtained mostlyin the year 2018 are presented, giving 54 maxima and 26 minima of pulsating and eruptive stars.


BAV Journal No. 027, March 2019 

First Elements for nine New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part VIII

Authors: Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: 9new variablestars(UCAC4 746-063569, UCAC4 744-062087, UCAC4 744-062456, UCAC4 742-065437, UCAC4 744-062753, UCAC4 744-061946, UCAC4 744-062788, UCAC4 746-063980, UCAC4 747-061302) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Journal No. 026, March 2019      

8 New Variable Stars in ASAS-SN and CRTS database. Part III

Author: I. Sergey

Abstract: Eight new variable stars are presented which were found in the ASAS-SN database: USNO-B1.0 1620-0173561, USNO-B1.0 1551-0259648, USNO-B1.0 1529-0028802, USNO-B1.0 1611-0016625, USNO-B1.0 0972-0354789, GSC 03685-01926, GSC 03708-00640, GSC 04038-00558.

BAVJournal No. 025, March 2019

Revision Variable Stars. Part 1

Author: I. Sergey

Abstract: I present the results of the revision of 25 poorly studied variable stars of the following types, according to the notation of VSX: S, VAR, CST, MISC. Among the VAR-objects wereselected stars without periods

BAV Journal No. 024, May 2018

BAV-resultes of observations Visual maxima and minima of pulsating and eruptive stars  

Author: Lienhard Pagel

Abstract: In this 90th compilation of BAV results of visual observations of variable stars obtained mostly in the year 2017 are presented, giving 149 maxima and 80 minima of pulsating and eruptive stars

BAV Journal No. 023, May 2018

First Elements for five New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part VII
Authors: Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner, Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new variable stars (UCAC3 236-213160, UCAC3 236-212219, UCAC3 238-156799, UCAC4 597-069471; UCAC3 238-157541) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Journal No. 22: July 2018

New Red Variable Stars in ASAS-SN database. Part 2. 
Author: I. Sergey

Abstract: 20 new red variable stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-SN database: 2MASS J19262479+0829055, 2MASS J20421894+2812211, 2MASS J20392002+2250217, 2MASS J20340351+2609349, 2MASS J20300680+1958584, 2MASS J20282826+2840274, 2MASS J20280514+2452594, 2MASS J18054024+2542318, 2MASS J20253003+2058298, 2MASS J20543096+1031316, 2MASS 18500459+1935329, 2MASS J20290482+2853035, 2MASS J20285155+2438348, 2MASS J18394029+2032390, 2MASS J20254512+1955457, 2MASS J18253167+0254356, 2MASS J18265819+1220067, 2MASS J18333406+1945563, 2MASS J18333935+1310426, 2MASS J07095965+0017197.

BAV Jornal No. 021, Feb. 2018 

First Elements for six New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part VI
Authors:  P. Frank, W. Moschner, K. Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new variable stars (UCAC3 284-221990, UCAC3 284-159698, UCAC3 285-155734, UCAC3 239-159278, UCAC4 598-071837; GSC 02135-00056) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Jornal No. 020, Feb. 2018 

New variables in ASAS-SN Database. Part 1
Author: I. Sergey

Abstract: 12 new  variable stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-SN database:GSC 04411-02027, GSC 03568-00294, USNO-B1.0 1414-0310345, USNO-B1.0 1414-0311251, GSC 03933-01423, USNO-B1.0 1410-0293235, GSC 04205-02116, USNO-B1.0 1517-0289620, GSC 04255-01111, GSC 04222-01778, GSC 04444-01262, USNO-B1.0 1587-0156583.

BAV Jornal No. 019, Jan. 2018 

New variable stars in the Milky Way found in the summer and autumn of 2017
 Author:  I. Sergey

Abstract: This article presents 6 new eclipsing and 1 pulsation stars, which were discovered in a search for new variables on the basis of a private astronomical observatory in Molodechno, Belarus.

 BAV Jornal No. 018, Jan. 2018 

First Elements for six New Variable Stars in Perseus, Part V 
Authors: P. Frank, W. Moschner, K. Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new variable stars (GSC 03717-00153, UCAC3 285-064742, UCAC3 286-064382, UCAC3 285-064533, UCAC3 285-064904, UCAC3 285-064219) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables

BAV Jornal No. 017, Oct. 2017 

First Elements for six New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part IV
Authors: P. Frank, W. Moschner, K. Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new variable stars (GSC 02134-00028, GSC 02134-01608, GSC 02134-00590,UCAC3 238-155503, GSC 02671-02330, GSC 02670-02219) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

 BAV Journal No. 016, June 2017

First Elements for six New Variable Stars in Several Fields, Part III

Authors: P. Frank, W. Moschner, K. Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new variable stars (GSC 2695-03472, UCAC3 249-234814, GSC 2696-02034, UCAC3 284-090447, UCAC3 284-091086, UCAC3 284-090934) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Journal No. 015, March 2017

Six new W UMa type eclipsing binaries in the field of DE Lac

Author: G. Monninger

Abstract: USNO-B1.0 1307-0466878, 1304-0469894, 1303-0467062, 1308-0467803, 1310-0458562 and 1313-0462253 were identified as eclipsing binaries for the first time. The shape and amplitude of the light curve and the period implies that all new variables are short-period W UMa type eclipsing binaries.

BAV Journal No. 014, Jan 2017

BAV-results of observations - Visual maxima and minima of eclipsing binaries, pulsating and eruptive stars

Author: Joachim Hübscher

Abstract: In this 88th compilation of BAV results, visual observations of 113 variable stars obtained mostly in the years 2015 and 2016 are presented, giving 316 maxima and minima of eclipsing binaries, pulsating and eruptive stars.

BAV Journal No. 013, Jan 2017 

BAV-results of observations - Photoelectric maxima and minima of pulsating stars

Author: Joachim Hübscher

Abstract: In this 87th compilation of BAV results. photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the years 2015 and 2016 are presented on 99 variable stars giving 682 maxima and minima on pulsating stars.

BAV Journal No. 012, Jan 2017

First elements for new Eclipsing Binaries in several fields, Part II

Authors:  Peter Frank, Wolfgang Moschner and Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new eclipsing binaries (GSC 02111 00334, GSC 02695 03163, 3UCAC250-231289, GSC 03948-02316, 3UCAC251-232593, 3UCAC251-231400) are presented, which were found in a search for new variable stars in the fields of several known variables.

BAV Journal No. 011, Oct 2016

First elements for six new Eclipsing Binaries in several fields

Authors: Wolfgang Moschner, Peter Frank and Klaus Bernhard

Abstract: 6 new eclipsing binaries (3UCAC 275-153185, 3UCAC 205-282753, 3UCAC246-056307 3UCAC 286-155544, GSC 3937-02349, 3UCAC 273-264245) are presented, which were found in a search for new variables in several fields of known variables.

BAV Journal No. 010 (R2), Sept 2016

A New Sample of Mid-Infrared Bright, Long-Period Mira Variables from the MACHO Galactic Bulge Fields

Authors:  Klaus Bernhard, Stefan Uttenthaler, Stefan Hümmerich

Abstract: Mid-infrared bright objects in the direction of the Galactic Bulge were investigated using time series photometry from the MACHO data archive, which led to the discovery of a large number of long-period variables. Among these, a total of 192 bona-fide Mira variables was identified, which – to the best of our knowledge – are reported here for the first time. Together with the results from our previous investigations, we thereby bring the number of Mira variables found in the MACHO Galactic Bulge fields to a new total of 1286 stars. Light curves, folded light curves and summary data for all new Mira variables are presented and their properties in colour-colour, period-colour and period-luminosity space are investigated. In agreement with our expectations, the present sample of mid-infrared bright objects is composed mostly of luminous, long-period variables.

  BAV Journal No. 009, Sept 2016

Photoelectric minima of BR Cygni and maxima and minima of V2367 Cygni

Authors: Lienhard Pagel and Joachim Hübscher 

Abstract: In this 85th compilation of BAV results photoelectric observations obtained by Kepler space observatory in the years 2009 till 2013 are presented on one eclipsing binary and one RR-Lyrae-Star giving 9,232 maxima and minima.

BAVJ009_data_R3.txt     BAVJ009_data_description_R3.pdf

BAV Journal No. 008, May 2016 

Four new Eclipsing Binaries in the field of DP CMa

Aothors: Wolfgang Moschner und Klaus Bernhard 

Abstract: 4 new eclipsing binaries (3UCAC 146-060990, 3UCAC 146-061534, 3UCAC 145-061591, 3UCAC 146-061594) are presented, which were found in a search for new variables in the field of DP CMa.

BAV Journal No. 007, May 2016

Another dozen of new Eclipsing Binarys

Author:  Franz Agerer

Abstract: This paper continues the line of publications of new detected variable stars, which has begun with BAVJ No. 4. In the course of my investigation of known variable stars on a regular basis, nearby stars are sometimes detected as variables.


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BAV Journal No. 006, May 2016 

Photometry and Spectroscopy of P Cygni Cyclic Variation (Period 310 day) of the intrinsic Hα line flux 
Intermediate Report 2016

Author: Ernst Pollmann

Abstract: With the combined campaign of the Luminous Blue Variablestar P Cyg, we are trying for the first time by way of simultaneous measurements of photometrical Vbrightness and Hα  equivalent width (EW), to realize a long-term monitoring of the intrinsic Hα line flux. To find out if and how the flux obtained from the spectral line profiles varies, the EW measurements is corrected for the effect of variation of the continuum flux. The photometrical observers of the AAVSO, observer of the BAV and spectroscopical observer of the ARAS group started this campaign in November 2008 in order to continue former investigations[1] & [2],whose results are based on multi-daily averaging of Vmag and EW. We receive with our data a reliable reference of a clear dominant period of 310 day of the intrinsic flux of the Hα emission.

 BAV Journal No. 005, April 2016 

Twelve new Eclipsing Binaries

Author:  Franz Agerer

Abstract: This paper continues the line of publications of new detected variable stars, which has begun with BAVJ Nr. 4. In the course of my investigation of known variable stars on a regular basis, nearby stars are sometimes detected as variables.

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BAV Journal No. 004, April 2016 

New eclipsing binary in Lacerta

Author: Franz Agerer

Abstract: In the course of my investigation of known variable stars on a regular basis, nearby stars are sometimes detected as variables. One of these is USNO-B1.0 1443-0412484 in the vicinity of EP Lacerta.


BAV Journal No. 003, February 2016

BAV-results of observations Visual maxima and minima of eclipsing binaries, pulsating and eruptive stars

Author: Joachim Hübscher

BAV Mitteilungen No. 242 January 2016

Abstract: In this 84th compilation of BAV results, visual observations obtained mostly in the years 2014 and 2015 are presented on 101 variable stars giving 276 maxima and minima on eclipsing binaries, pulsating and eruptive stars.

BAVJ003_data.txt BAVJ_Data-description_R1.pdf

BAV Journal No. 002, January 2016

BAV-results of observations Photoelectric maxima and minima of pulsating stars

Author:  Joachim Hübscher

BAV Mitteilungen No. 240 January 2016

Abstract: In this 82nd compilation of BAV results, photoelectric observations obtained mostly in the years 2014 and 2015 are presented on 98 variable stars giving 766 maxima and minima on pulsating stars.

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BAV Journal No. 001, January 2016

Light curve and period of the Blazhko RRc star GSC 03529-02286 and GSC 2.3 N0ZY002187, a new variable in the field

Author: Rainer Gröbel   

Abstract: By analysis of SWASP and CRTS data, Bernhard et al. (2013) have recently shown that GSC 03529-02286 (18 14 48.187 +47 10 03.12, J2000) is an RRc type variable showing indications of Blazhko effect. A night by night reanalysis of SWASP data yielded 70 maxima and 73 minima times which revealed a Blazhko period PB = 20.26 d. CCD observations on 13 nights in August 2013 yielded another 11 maxima and 4 minima times, covering a little more than one Blazhko cycle. It could be shown that the secondary period prevails until now. The ephemeris for the maxima could be improved to

HJD (Max.) = 2456495.4317(37) + 0.27719643(46) d x E.

The CCD observations also revealed a short period eclipsing variable in the vicinity (GSC2.3 N0ZY002187; 18 14 26.76 +47 19 09.38, J2000) showing shallow 0.15 mag. deep eclipses with the ephemeris HJD (Min.) = 2456493.3980(6) + 0.340055(12) x E.